CHENNAI: Balaji alias Shashanth, arrested by the Chetpet police recently for posing as a grandson of Tamil Nadu chief minister M Karunanidhi and cheating three persons with promises of swanky cars auctioned at a cheap price by the state government, had done several con jobs in Bangalore earlier, it has been found. The Koramangala police had in February recovered several cars, including a Ford Fiesta, a Maruti Swift, a Toyota Innova and a Skoda, along with a pocket bike and gold valuables worth Rs 3 lakh. He jumped bail there and began operating in Tamil Nadu.
Koramangala police inspector G Nagaraj, who had picked up the accused earlier, told TOI over telephone from Bangalore: "His real name is Sukhas Reddy and he is a resident of Banaswadi in Bangalore."
A pre-University drop-out and a native of Andhra Pradesh, Sukhas, aided and abetted by his parents Chandrasekhar and Mala, who have now gone underground, would surf the internet and get information about government tenders. Armed with the information, he would call companies pretending to be a representative of the department concerned and strike a deal. He would promise to buy products from the companies and ask for a 10% cut to be deposited in his account in advance. Once the money was paid, he would change his mobile number and disappear, said inspector Nagaraj.
He was exposed after an apartment owner on Old Madras Road filed a complaint against Sukhas. Sukhas had rented the flat, claiming to be the son of Revenue Minister Karunakara Reddy. He disappeared one fine day without paying the rent, amounting to Rs 1.8 lakh. He used to move around in swanky cars and had even hired a gunman from a security agency in Koramangala, Nagaraj added.
He was proficient in English, Kannada, Telugu and Tamil.
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